Daily Deals
By clicking on this page, you’re in search of the best value you can find on our website. We don’t blame you. We’re shoppers too and if there’s a deal to be had, we’re all about that too!
Just a quick summary as to why we have product in this section. Unlike our competitors that you’ll find on-line, we sell our CBC and Scott Burke brands to major, national and regional chain stores that you shop at every week. Some years we sell out, some years we don’t. When our products don’t sell out, it’s usually due to these two things: 1.) The spring and summer weather didn’t cooperate and fewer purchases were made that season or; 2.) The buyer over forecasted and asked us to bring in and inventory more product than they could sell.
Unlike most of our competitors who try to entice you by putting a much higher retail next to their sale price to make you think you’re getting a better deal – our pricing isn’t exaggerated. If you see a higher price on our board next to the Daily Deal price, it’s because that board retailed at that price at the retail store prior to going on discount here at the Keeper Store.
The product is 1st quality, never out of the box and will ship to you as it would have to our many fine retailers. We know you’ll enjoy your board regardless of where you bought it… Daily Deals, our in-line Keeper Store or one of our many wonderful retailers nationwide!